Young female entrepreneur enjoying business and job success against city and sunset background. Successful businesswoman smiling outdoors

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Job Interview Coaching

None of us are born knowing how to do a great job interview, but the skills can definitely be learned!

Contact me for a free consultation.

Through mock interviewing, feedback and tips, I can prepare you to impress interviewers and get the job you want. I’ll help you to:

  • Build confidence. Interviewing doesn’t have to be an anxious ordeal.
  • Memorably communicate your unique value and stand out from the competition.
  • Give authentic yet strategic answers to even the toughest questions.
  • Tell stories that prove your value to the employer. Discover stories you may not have realized you had, and tell them concisely and effectively.
  • Negotiate an excellent compensation package–even if you have never negotiated before.

An unexpected phone screen interview can happen at any time. Are you ready to answer questions like these?

  • “Would you please tell me about yourself?”
  • “What are your salary expectations?”
  • “What’s the biggest mistake you’ve made?”
  • “Tell me about (a gap on your resume, lack of a degree, etc.)”
  • “Tell me about a time when you…” (Do you have many convincing examples and stories?)

Contact me for a free consultation or to make an appointment.

I offer three levels of job interview coaching:

Interview Success Package (3 hours) – $440 (Save $100 compared to the hourly rate)

Three hours at my normal rate of $180/hr. would be $540.

  • Customized, one-on-one coaching and mock interviewing spread over 2-3 sessions, in person, via phone or Skype.
  • FREE copy of my highly rated book, Get That Job! The Quick and Complete Guide to a Winning Interview.
  • Additional resources and worksheets.
  • A personalized “Relax and Psych Up” recording you can listen to at home or on your phone (upon request).

Super-Support Program (5 hours) – $770 (Save $130)

Five hours at my normal rate of $180/hr. would be $900 – so you save $200!

  • All of the above, plus: two additional hours of mock interviewing, coaching and/or thank-you letter review and editing. $800 value for $600. (You save $200.)

Economy Coaching (1.5 hours) – $270 (no discount)

  • One session, with instructions on how to continue building your skills on your own.

Plus a special RESUME REVIEW or LINKEDIN REVIEW add-on:

Add 30 minutes of resume or LinkedIn review and advice + reference materials to any of the above packages for only $45 additional (a $90 value).

Invest in your career and get the job!

Contact me for a free consultation or to make an appointment for job interview coaching. Appointments are via Zoom or phone call during West Coast business hours, including the noon hour.

Young female entrepreneur enjoying business and job success against city and sunset background. Successful businesswoman smiling outdoors

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