Young female entrepreneur enjoying business and job success against city and sunset background. Successful businesswoman smiling outdoors

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Work with Thea

Why hire a professional?

Job search is a tough game, and the rules are constantly changing. Today you face intensified competition, applicant tracking systems, Google searches and changing styles in resumes. It’s a lot to deal with on your own, even if you have the time to figure it all out.

And let’s face it, the job goes to the candidate who knows not only how to do the job, but how to get the job – how to network, reach decision makers, build a great resume and online presence, and interview well. I can help you get the offer you deserve.

Get on the payroll sooner.
If spending a few hundred dollars gets you the job you want even two weeks sooner, you will have doubled your investment. Where else can you get an ROI like that?

Get a better job.
Looking for advancement, higher pay, a more congenial environment or a complete career change? A great resume, a glowing online presence and smart job search strategies can be your ticket to more choices about how, when and where you will work.

Get a powerful resume with less stress. Most of us dislike “tooting our own horn” and also find we’re “too close to the subject” to know how best to express our skills and accomplishments. Then there are so many puzzling decisions to make about formatting, sections, length, keywords and so on.

Clients say I make the process less stressful – and the resumes we’ve prepared have led to more calls from employers, more interviews, and new jobs.

Harness the power of LinkedIn and other social media.
Most employers look up candidates online, either as a first step to fill an opening, or to “vet” an applicant. A well-written, branded LinkedIn profile helps ensure that employers see what you want them to when they “google” you.

Interview confidently and skillfully – and get offers.
Let me help you to communicate your brand and message from the first hello through the final handshake, with smart followup afterwards and savvy negotiation when the offer comes.

What you learn and practice in my office is a small investment that can pay handsomely for years.

Lifetime career skills.
Learn ways of presenting yourself that take you where you want to go – in your current job search and your entire working life.

Thea Kelley Career Services

Young female entrepreneur enjoying business and job success against city and sunset background. Successful businesswoman smiling outdoors

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