Young female entrepreneur enjoying business and job success against city and sunset background. Successful businesswoman smiling outdoors

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Whitelisting Instructions for Gmail:
1. First, if you find email from us in your Gmail spam folder, select our email and click the “Not Spam” button
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About the Course

The course, which takes an average of 3-5 hours to complete, is not about the usual stuff – how to answer specific questions or how to dress, etc. Those topics are important, but this course is about something more advanced, yet also more foundational: the factors that make you, and no one else, the right person to hire. I call those your REV Points.

In this course I’ll walk you through the steps of identifying your REV Points and then provide tips on how to use those to succeed in interviews. You’ll receive a lesson every two days, as follows:

Lesson 1: Listing your Top 10 Selling Points
Lesson 2: The “R” in REV – Ranking Your Selling Points by Relevance
Lesson 3: The “E” in REV – Identifying What’s Exceptional 
Lesson 4: Adding the “V” for Verifiable – and Completing Your REV Points List
Lesson 5: How You’ll Use Your REV Points for a Winning Interview

For best results, allow 1-2 hours to work through each lesson (your mileage may vary, so to speak). The first two will take the longest, then you’ll pick up speed as you go.

Enjoy the course! If you have any questions or comments, just hit Reply to any email.

– Thea


Young female entrepreneur enjoying business and job success against city and sunset background. Successful businesswoman smiling outdoors

Download Our Free Report

Get my concise, FREE report for step-by-step guidance to STAND OUT & WIN in interviews!
