Will asking for a recommendation make colleagues think you’re planning to jump ship? It depends on the timing. When should you ask for a LinkedIn recommendation from your manager, colleagues or internal/external customers?

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A history of brief job tenures can raise a red flag during the job search process. In this post I’ll tell you how to explain short-term jobs on your resume and during job interviews, so you can move past the issue smoothly and quickly. What do I mean by “short term jobs”? I’m not talking [continue reading…]

If you’re writing your own resume, do what a good professional resume writer would do: Ask yourself lots of good questions. If your work history reads like a series of HR job descriptions, ask yourself these questions about each position: Was it a new position? If so, what problem was it created to solve? How [continue reading…]

Can you change your title on your resume? The answer is no . . . and yes. It depends how you do it, and why.

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Let’s say you’re doing an informational interview. Should you leave behind a resume? Nope – leave a networking bio instead. Why? Offering a resume may make your networking partner feel pressured, as if though you’re imposing on them to find you a job. Focus on developing relationships and sharing information; you’re not applying for a [continue reading…]