Informational interviews are a great job search networking tactic. You can gain useful industry and company insights. More crucially, you can build relationships that may lead to being referred to hiring managers.

How can you keep in touch and continue the relationship (without being perceived as a pest)?

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Are you thinking of leaving the business world to for a nonprofit career? How does your corporate experience translate to a nonprofit job? Some occupations require no translation: administrative assistant, accountant, human relations manager. Others may seem less obviously transferable, like sales, marketing or business development. How are your skills relevant in the nonprofit sector? [continue reading…]

It’s well known that a confident candidate is more likely to get the job offer. Yet the high stakes of the job interview can definitely give you the jitters. How can you prepare yourself to interview confidently?

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You’ve sent your resume out for a dozen jobs this month, but it seems like it’s disappearing into another dimension because you aren’t getting calls. Sound familiar?

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Want to move, but need a job first? Networking will open those out-of-town doors, but how can you network in a different city where you don’t know people yet?

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