Are you thinking of leaving the business world to for a nonprofit career? How does your corporate experience translate to a nonprofit job? Some occupations require no translation: administrative assistant, accountant, human relations manager. Others may seem less obviously transferable, like sales, marketing or business development. How are your skills relevant in the nonprofit sector? [continue reading…]

Are LinkedIn recommendations important? My answer is a resounding Yes! In this conversation, fellow job search coach Marc Miller and I explain exactly how these comments from your contacts can power your job search in many ways, by… …providing clear evidence of hard-to-prove skills, …improving your LinkedIn search rankings, …presenting you as someone who maintains [continue reading…]

Will you negotiate your next compensation package? Your salary negotiation is likely to bring you an extra $5,000 a year. Here are some facts you may not know about negotiating a job offer: Most employers are open to negotiation of salary, benefits or other aspects of the job. In fact, a majority even expect candidates [continue reading…]

I often say to my clients, “If you had a test coming up and you knew that getting an ‘A’ would earn you thousands of dollars and improve your daily life, would you study for it?” Of course you would! Using audiobooks to prepare for interviews and other job search activities is a smart move. Let me offer a few tips for getting the most out of your listening.

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If you’re human, you’ve taken some hits in life and in work. Maybe you’ve messed up a job interview or had a job that didn’t work out. Let’s look at how to recover from career setbacks more quickly so you can move on with your life.

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