Whether you’re 25 years old, 40, or 55, career change is possible when you apply a combination of strategy and perseverance.

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Since 2008, job seekers have visited Glassdoor.com in the hopes of finding insights about potential employers’ cultures, hiring processes and salaries. But is Glassdoor reliable?

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At this writing in 2022, it’s a great time for job seekers who are long on ability but short on academic credentials. In this post I’ll offer smart tips on how to get hired without a degree–even if the job market becomes less favorable.

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Are you thinking of leaving the business world to for a nonprofit career? How does your corporate experience translate to a nonprofit job? Some occupations require no translation: administrative assistant, accountant, human relations manager. Others may seem less obviously transferable, like sales, marketing or business development. How are your skills relevant in the nonprofit sector? [continue reading…]

Are LinkedIn recommendations important? My answer is a resounding Yes! In this conversation, fellow job search coach Marc Miller and I explain exactly how these comments from your contacts can power your job search in many ways, by… …providing clear evidence of hard-to-prove skills, …improving your LinkedIn search rankings, …presenting you as someone who maintains [continue reading…]