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Interview Confidently with these 3 Powerful Tips

by THEA kelley | May 24, 2024

It’s well known that a confident candidate is more likely to get the job offer. Yet the high stakes of the job interview can definitely give you the jitters. How can you prepare yourself to interview confidently?

Interviewers tend to assume that a candidate who is calmly assured in the interview will also be confident on the job, working independently and putting co-workers at ease. The candidate’s confidence creates credibility. In short, to interview confidently is to inspire others’ confidence in you.

Easily said, right?

However nervous you may be, you can learn to interview confidently. Here are five ways to transform your interview experience.

Tip #1: To interview confidently, identify the beliefs that are destroying your confidence–and dispute them.

Our thoughts create our feelings. If the thought of a job interview makes your nervous, it’s likely you hold negative beliefs about such situations and your ability to succeed. These beliefs repeat like a broken record beneath the surface of your mind, quite likely contradicting what you consciously believe.

For example: Tyler may know he’s a skillful professional who can handle the new job he’s applied for, but sometimes he feels like he’s faking it. This “imposter syndrome” makes his hands sweat and his voice shake when he goes to an interview.

Do any of the following statements sound all too familiar?

  • “I suck at interviewing.”
  • “Something always goes wrong.”
  • “If they ask about (a certain skill or experience), I’m in trouble.”
  • “The interviewer has all the power. I’m at their mercy.”
  • “They’re going to reject me because of my age / my appearance / whatever.”
  • “I don’t have enough experience / education / skills / personal charm / executive presence / whatever.”
  • “I’m nothing special.”

What negative beliefs repeat in the back of your mind?

Do this: Grab a piece of paper and write your negative beliefs in a column on the lefthand side. Now, to the right of each belief, write a more positive belief that is optimistic and true. For example, next to “I’m lousy at interviewing,” you might write, “I’ve learned from my past mistakes. I’m reaching a new level in my interview skills.” Or for “I’m too old,” you might substitute, “Some employers want young employees, but others will value my experience. Since they’re interviewing me, they must see the value.”

Once you come up with new, positive statements, take one of them and repeat it to yourself, thoughtfully, several times. Muse on it. Practice believing it. If you feel any shift toward the positive belief, you’re on the right track. Work on this a little every day and feel the difference.

Changing a belief doesn’t happen instantly, but with persistence and a sincere intention you can transform your beliefs and be more confident.

Tip #2: Prepare well ahead of time to interview confidently.

Often, job seekers don’t prepare until an interview is scheduled. The problem with this strategy (or lack of strategy) is that the moment you send out a resume, you need to be ready for a phone call from a recruiter saying “Do you have a moment to chat?” However informal, this “chat” is an interview, and your answers can make or break the opportunity.

Are you thoroughly prepared to answer common questions such as the following?

If you’re not prepared, I guarantee you’ll be nervous as you scramble to give a convincing answer on the spot. As soon as you know you’re looking for a new job, start preparing to answer questions like these. Tip: Many of these questions are covered in my book, Get That Job! The Quick & Complete Guide to a Winning Interview, 2nd Edition, with helpful tips on answering them.

Tip #3: There’s more! Read my post, “7 Secrets to Conquering Your Fear of Interviews.”

Like the tools and resources mentioned above, this post offers techniques that can–as long as you put in the effort–make a big difference in your ability to interview confidently.


Young female entrepreneur enjoying business and job success against city and sunset background. Successful businesswoman smiling outdoors

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