Experts agree that networking is the best way to get a great job sooner. If your efforts have been stressful or unsuccessful, maybe you’re missing one of the items below. Use this job search networking checklist to clear roadblocks and get ready for painless networking that really works. Here’s what you’ll need: ◻ A solid [continue reading…]

It’s easy to feel that cover letters are a waste of job seekers’ time. The resume tells everything the employer needs to know, so a letter is just redundant, right? I disagree. Let me suggest a change in how you think about cover letters. Stop thinking the cover letter is all about you. It’s about [continue reading…]

Most job seekers are leaving one of their most powerful tools unused on the table. Social proof can convince employers to trust you, believe you – and hire you.

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If you’ve been out of the job market for a while–well, things have changed. Career skills are changing. Artificial intelligence tools can make job search both easier and harder. And the human touch may be more essential than ever. Here’s how to get a job in 2025.

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If you fail a job interview personality test, what should you do? Can you still get the job? And how can you ensure you don’t fail such a test?

Let’s get some clarity on this tricky subject.

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