You’ve handed in your resignation, but now your boss is offering more money. Or maybe they’re dangling better hours, a change in your job description, flexibility or other perks. Should you accept?

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In this post I’ll offer tips for how to “walk the talk” as a management candidate during the interview process, to sound and look like the strong managerial candidate you really are.

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You may not yet have held the title of “manager,” but if you’ve landed a managerial interview, you probably have leadership experience and/or potential. Here’s how to prove it in your managerial job interview.

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What differentiates you in the job market? What makes you special? A job seeker’s unique selling proposition is the key to standing out from the competition. Once you clarify what those key points are, you’ll have a powerful tool for success in your job interviews, your resume, your LinkedIn profile – in all of your [continue reading…]

Recently I learned something new about how to answer the question, “If we offered you the job, when could you start?” And no, it’s not a matter of saying “Whenever you want me to.” You need to understand why they’re asking. It’s a test!

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