Are you wondering how to answer “What’s your superpower” in an interview? The question can sound a little daunting if your self-image doesn’t include superhero tights and a cape.

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To see ourselves as others see us: it’s never more necessary than when we’re in job search. Employers and networking contacts will judge us based on superficial things: a handshake, an email address, a 10-minute phone screening. We think we can guess the impression we’re making, but then we don’t hear back after the phone [continue reading…]

A virtual onsite interview is a full day interview process that can include multiple group and one-on-one conversations, plus technical interviews, candidate presentations, case studies and more. It would be challenging and stressful enough in person, and it can be even tougher online. Here’s how to succeed in a virtual onsite.

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You may already know the basics of interview storytelling: be concise, use the STAR format, practice in advance, and so on. Well, in this post I’m going to go beyond those basics and give you some advanced storytelling techniques for job interviews.

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How do you ace a job interview with a boss who’s younger than you? If you’re over 40 there’s a good chance you’ll find yourself in this situation. Here’s how to make a great impression and get the job.

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