Experts agree that networking is the best way to get a great job sooner. If your efforts have been stressful or unsuccessful, maybe you’re missing one of the items below. Use this job search networking checklist to clear roadblocks and get ready for painless networking that really works. Here’s what you’ll need: ◻ A solid [continue reading…]
It’s more crucial than ever to effectively answer interview questions about diversity. Here’s how to prepare authentic answers that show the best of who you are.
[continue reading...]Before you answer the first question in your job interview, you have already told the interviewer how you feel about yourself and the opportunity. And you’ve told them whether you understand their world – whether you “get it.” They get that message instantly from how you dressed for the interview.
[continue reading...]It’s been said that “suffering is optional.” If your response is, “Whoever said that wasn’t looking for a job!” I understand. But you can learn how to make job search less stressful, less miserable, more effective.
In this post I’ll share several successful job seekers’ advice on this topic, and my own advice as well.
[continue reading...]Hey you, reader of my blog! I want to hear from you.
What burning questions do you have about how to get interviews, get offers and get hired?
[continue reading...]