In interviews and throughout your job search, you will usually have competition. How can you stand out from the rest?

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To really stand out in a job interview, you need to know your the top 5 (or top 3 or whatever) “selling points” – the qualities or facts that will make the interviewer’s eyes light up – and to proactively emphasize them right from the start. In a new podcast on CareerCloud, I discussed how [continue reading…]

You’re an intelligent, talented professional. You’re no beginner – you don’t make the obvious job interview mistakes like being late or leaving your phone on. But you’re not getting offers. Let’s check your interview skills. Chances are good you’re not doing all of the following. Are you emphasizing your key selling points, your unique selling [continue reading…]

When you’re answering a job interview question, do you find yourself meandering at the end, repeating yourself because you’re not sure how to stop? In this post I’ll show you how to end interview answers smoothly.

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Many job seekers miss the boat in job interviews, because they forget that the purpose of answering every question is to market themselves for the job. You never forget that, right? You’d be amazed how many questions you may answering is a less-than-strategic way. Most job seekers, at least occasionally, answer interview questions as if [continue reading…]