Interview questions about “a difficult person” are job search land mines. Watch your step! This post is an excerpt from Get That Job! The Quick and Complete Guide to a Winning Job Interview, available from Amazon as a softcover or eBook. How should you answer this tricky interview question? Sometimes the question is phrased a little [continue reading…]

How do you answer the interview question, “What are your salary expectations?” This post is the fifth in a series of excerpts from my upcoming eBook, Get That Job! The Quick and Complete Guide to a Winning Job Interview, available from Amazon. “What are your salary expectations?” Answering this question too specifically can lose you [continue reading…]

How do you answer the interview question, “What’s a major mistake you’ve made on the job?” This post is the fourth in a series of excerpts from my new book, Get That Job! The Quick and Complete Guide to a Winning Job Interview. What’s behind this interview question? The intention here is to see whether [continue reading…]

When you’re answering a job interview question, do you find yourself meandering at the end, repeating yourself because you’re not sure how to stop? In this post I’ll show you how to end interview answers smoothly.

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Some of the trickiest job interview questions are the ones about your weaknesses. Questions like these can make you feel a little paranoid! “What is your biggest weakness in your work?” “What are three areas in which your supervisor wants/wanted you to improve?” “What’s your growing edge – what do you wish you could do [continue reading…]