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Using Audiobooks to Prepare for Interviews and Job Search

by THEA kelley | March 28, 2024

I often say to my clients, “If you had a test coming up and you knew that getting an ‘A’ would earn you thousands of dollars and improve your daily life, would you study for it?” Of course you would! Using audiobooks to prepare for interviews and other job search activities is a smart move. Let me offer a few tips for getting the most out of your listening.

How to Learn from Audiobooks

Don’t expect to absorb the information subliminally. Actually pay attention. If it isn’t safe to do so right now–for example, if you’re crossing a busy street or driving–turn it off or tune it out until you’re ready to listen. But there are lots of other times when you can “let it roll,” like when you’re walking in a park or on a treadmill, doing housework or waiting for your clothes to dry at the laundromat.

Hit the “Pause” button now and then. Reflection–thinking about what you’ve just learned and what it means to you–helps you truly understand, remember, and benefit from the information. For example, after hearing suggestions about how to answer an interview question, practice your own answer aloud or silently. Taking notes and journaling are other ways to internalize the information, to “make it yours.”

After listening, find opportunities for in-depth practice and discussion. Do mock interviews with a friend, colleague or coach. If you know others who are also job-hunting, get together and share concepts and tips you’ve found helpful.

Recommended for Job Seekers

For interview prep, of course I recommend my own Get That Job! The Quick and Complete Guide to a Winning Interview, 2nd Edition. The book has earned a 4.5-star rating on Amazon and a positive review from Forbes. The second edition just became available as an audiobook for $4.99. If you’ve purchased the eBook you can add it for only $1.99. Or read it for free on Amazon Audible.

To learn about job search networking, I highly recommend The 2-Hour Job Search by Steve Dalton and The 20-Minute Networking Meeting by Nathan A. Perez and Marcia Ballinger, both of which are available on audio.

For resume-writing, I think you’re better off actually reading rather than listening, because it’s important to see examples. I recommend any of the great how-to’s by Wendy Enelow and Louise Kursmark, such as Modernize Your Resume.

Start using audiobooks to prepare for interviews and networking meetings! You’ll save time while building the know-how to get a great job sooner.


Young female entrepreneur enjoying business and job success against city and sunset background. Successful businesswoman smiling outdoors

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