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Why do technicalities in video interviews matter?

by THEA kelley | February 6, 2025

Cartoon image of job seeker on computer screen with the words "video interview"One of my interview coaching clients recently asked me, “Why do technicalities in video interviews matter so much?”

They do matter–sometimes a lot–and in this post we’ll look at several important reasons why.

Why Technicalities Matter in Video Interviews

There are a number of reasons why video interviewers’ most common complaints include technicalities–by which I mean issues like these:

  • Internet connectivity problems such as “freezing”
  • Awkward or inadequate eye contact
  • Inappropriate attire
  • Lighting that’s unflattering or creates a dark-and-dismal ambiance
  • Unclear audio, e.g., you sound muffled
  • Cluttered or unprofessional-looking (real) backgrounds
  • Distracting virtual backgrounds (a.k.a., the top of your head keeps seeming to disappear)
  • Shaking image due to computer placed on unstable surface
  • Poor framing, e.g., being too close or too far from the camera, or off-center
  • Background noise from pets, family members, etc.
  • Poor use of name display settings, e.g., displaying an unprofessional-sounding or outdated name

Video Interview Technicalities as a Clue about Skills

Every little thing an interviewee does in the interview process may be taken as a clue to their character, skills and work style. Technical issues can be seen as a reflection of one’s motivation, attention to detail, learning ability, resourcefulness, or comfort level with technology.

Technicalities and Confidence

A technically proficient video interview is more comfortable for you. You’ll feel more confident, and the interviewer will pick up on that. Hiring managers tend to see confidence as a sign that you know what you’re doing.

Gut-level Impressions

Despite the trend in human resources toward data-based hiring, the fact is that much of the decision still comes down to unconscious impressions or “intuition.” If the interviewer sees the candidate sitting in the dark with half of their face in shadow, their voice sounds muffled and they aren’t making good eye contact, they just won’t feel as good about the candidate. This is a big reason why technicalities in virtual interviews matter.

Motivating Yourself to Ace the Video Interview Technicalities

Job search takes a lot of patience, doesn’t it? There are so many details to attend to, that it’s easy to become annoyed and procrastinate. I totally get it.

What do you need to tell yourself in order to be thorough about these details? Maybe it would be helpful to see it as a game–one that you really want to win. Or to see it as “not rocket science,” but simply a series of small problem-solving steps. As you make progress in these steps, pat yourself on the back. “The lighting is great now. Yay, me!”

How to Fix It

Now that you know why technicalities in video interviews matter, get ready to fix them. For specific tips, read my post, How to Ace a Video Interview. Get yourself set up for success!


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