Will you negotiate your next compensation package? Your salary negotiation is likely to bring you an extra $5,000 a year. Here are some facts you may not know about negotiating a job offer: Most employers are open to negotiation of salary, benefits or other aspects of the job. In fact, a majority even expect candidates [continue reading…]
by Thea KELLEY | March 28, 2024
I often say to my clients, “If you had a test coming up and you knew that getting an ‘A’ would earn you thousands of dollars and improve your daily life, would you study for it?” Of course you would! Using audiobooks to prepare for interviews and other job search activities is a smart move. Let me offer a few tips for getting the most out of your listening.
[continue reading...]Have you been scheduled for a peer interview? That’s a good sign! It may indicate that you’re seen as a strong candidate, and that the hiring committe are proud of their employees. This post will explore the purpose of this meeting, and what to ask peers in an interview.
[continue reading...]by Thea KELLEY | March 14, 2024
“What is your management style?” It’s an important interview question, and “I’m fair and my door is always open” won’t cut it because everybody says that.
[continue reading...]Before he tried interview coaching, San Francisco software test engineer “Mark” had been unemployed for a year. After taking a few months off, he searched and interviewed for nine months. Despite excellent skills, dedication and years of experience, he received no offers.
“I felt like I was giving good answers, but somehow it wasn’t working. And there was no feedback loop to tell me how to do better.”
[continue reading...]