Interviewers tend to assume that everyone wants to be continuously employed. “Why weren’t you?” they think. “What’s the problem?” Let’s explore how to answer interview questions about gaps in employment, to reassure interviewers that you’re motivated and ready to hit the ground running.

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Informational interviews are a great job search networking tactic. You can gain useful industry and company insights. More crucially, you can build relationships that may lead to being referred to hiring managers.

How can you keep in touch and continue the relationship (without being perceived as a pest)?

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How far back should your resume go? A resume with far more years of experience than needed can invite age discrimination or make a job seeker look overqualified.

Simplistic, one-size-fits-all answers like “go back 5 years” or “10 years” aren’t helpful, because your resume and job search aren’t like anyone else’s.

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In the interview process, accepting the job offer may seem like the easy part. But mishandling this crucial moment can cost you thousands in lost salary – or even the job. Read on!

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An interview with a company founder is a high-stakes conversation in which it’s crucial not only to give good answers, but to ask good questions. This post will help you identify the best questions to ask founders in an interview.

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