You left your job for a reason, but the situation has changed. Maybe there’s a new manager, a change in the workplace culture, or a bigger salary. Should you go back to your old job? Companies have become more open to rehiring “boomerang employees.” Here are some useful tips.

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You’ve handed in your resignation, but now your boss is offering more money. Or maybe they’re dangling better hours, a change in your job description, flexibility or other perks. Should you accept?

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What differentiates you in the job market? What makes you special? A job seeker’s unique selling proposition is the key to standing out from the competition. Once you clarify what those key points are, you’ll have a powerful tool for success in your job interviews, your resume, your LinkedIn profile – in all of your [continue reading…]

In my last post I explored the emotional side of handling a career setback. This time I offer tips on the strategic side of handling a specific setback: the bungled interview. How can you handle this so well that you’re called back for another round?

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Whether you’re 25 years old, 40, or 55, career change is possible when you apply a combination of strategy and perseverance.

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