Young female entrepreneur enjoying business and job success against city and sunset background. Successful businesswoman smiling outdoors

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Playing the Long Game to Shorten Your Job Search during the COVID19 Pandemic

How do you look for a job during a pandemic?

There’s a lot that’s different about job search right now, especially in terms of timing, logistics and more. For tips on all these aspects, see the collection of resources I shared in COVID-19 and Job Search, Some Curated Resources.

But before you go read that, here’s a key thought to take with you:

Now is the time to “play the long game” in your job search–which can actually get you hired faster.

Or at least, faster than you might expect in the middle of a pandemic.

Now is the time to focus on things like job market research, upgrading your skills, and networking.

Your networking will necessarily be Internet-driven. Embrace virtual networking chats via Google Hangouts, Zoom or Skype. My recent post about preparing to ace video interviews applies to any such conversation.

If there was ever a time to embrace video communication, this is the moment. 

Some of us may be tempted to chicken out by communicating entirely through email or even the phone. But networking–and job hunting overall–is all about building relationships and being remembered, so let people see you. Look into their eyes (by looking into your computer’s camera, of course), even though you’re online.

Spend your time becoming known and knowledgeable, so that as the business world recovers from the pandemic, you’re the first person your target employers think of when they’re ready to hire. If you’ve never tried this approach before, you may be surprised when “the long game” doesn’t take as long as you think.


Young female entrepreneur enjoying business and job success against city and sunset background. Successful businesswoman smiling outdoors

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