Want to move, but need a job first? Networking will open those out-of-town doors, but how can you network in a different city where you don’t know people yet?
[continue reading...]by Thea KELLEY | February 29, 2024
by Thea KELLEY | February 29, 2024
Want to move, but need a job first? Networking will open those out-of-town doors, but how can you network in a different city where you don’t know people yet?
[continue reading...]If you’re human, you’ve taken some hits in life and in work. Maybe you’ve messed up a job interview or had a job that didn’t work out. Let’s look at how to recover from career setbacks more quickly so you can move on with your life.
[continue reading...]by Thea KELLEY | February 22, 2024
Have you ever found yourself speechless in an interview? Not only were you stuck, you were probably upset about being stuck. And that made you even more stuck. It’s a vicious cycle! Here’s how to get your interview back on track.
[continue reading...]by Thea KELLEY | February 15, 2024
Interviewing with prospective subordinates can be awkward, even risky. This post will help you avoid the pitfalls, build rapport and make a positive impression.
[continue reading...]It’s terrifying. You’re in the middle of telling a story and suddenly you have nothing to say. Your face goes hot and your stomach goes cold. Well, let’s fix it. In this post I’ll teach you how not to go blank in an interview.
[continue reading...]