The easiest time to escape a “nightmare job” is before you ever take it. With that in mind, let’s look at how to avoid toxic workplaces in your job search.

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Informational interviewing can be an amazingly effective tool to help you find a job. Of course, you need to do it right! In a previous post I discussed why it’s a great thing to do: because it can lead to opportunities and offers as well relationships and information. You may also want to read my [continue reading…]

Nearly 39% of American adults currently have a side hustle. They go into it for various reasons, but they may be surprised at the effect on their daily working life.

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The standard answer is “it depends,” but for most job seekers I think a good number of LinkedIn connections is “lots.” How many is “lots,” and what will that do for you? Read on.

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When you’re working on something that’s outside your comfort zone–like marketing yourself in a job search–it’s natural to look to others for ideas and examples.

In job search, this “herd mentality” can be a big mistake. You need to be different.

Here are a few smart ways to stop following the herd–and dare to stand out.

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