LinkedIn’s new desktop layout provides a more seamless experience across mobile and home – but will it make you look good? Here’s what you need to do to ensure your profile is branding you the way you want it to – starting from the top and working our way down. One: Brand Yourself with that [continue reading…]
What do Bill Gates, Jim Carrey, Oprah Winfrey and Michael Jordan have in common (besides being rich and famous)? All have used creative visualization to help them get to where they are today. Why not put this tool to work in your job search? Five reasons to use visualization – a.k.a. mental imagery or mental [continue reading…]
In a recent post I listed 7 Reasons to Negotiate a Job Offer. That was the “why,” for those of us who are tempted to shy away from questioning the initial salary, benefits and other details of a compensation package. Now let’s talk about how to do it. Send the right messages. Your demeanor and [continue reading…]
A surprising percentage of us think we can’t or shouldn’t negotiate when offered a job. We may be afraid the employer will withdraw the offer or find us ungrateful or arrogant. Or we don’t really know why we don’t negotiate. “I just can’t see myself doing it!” Before you decide “I can’t” or “It doesn’t [continue reading…]
I’m going to tell you a secret. Job search books aren’t my favorite thing to read. Nevertheless, I’m enjoying Highly Effective Networking: Meet the Right People and Get a Great Job by Orville Pierson, and not just because it’s well written and has an encouraging tone. This book does a great job of dispelling the [continue reading…]