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Covid and Job Search, Some Curated Resources

Whether already in job search or preparing “just in case,” we’re all wondering how the Covid pandemic will affect the job market and job hunting strategies.

Now more than ever, knowledge is power. In this post I’ll share a few of the most useful articles I’ve come across lately.

An overview

“What Does the Coronavirus Pandemic Mean for Your Job Search?” is an excellent overview of what you can do towards your job search right now, even if you’re not seeing openings to apply to. Also: Nice language to use when reaching out to networking contacts so you’re not just saying “I’m still looking for a job,” but instead something more effective, such as, “I wanted to reach out to see if there’s anything I can do for you. You’ve been so generous with your time in the past, I want to return the favor if I can.”

Resources for finding remote jobs

Working remotely was a goal of many job seekers even before the COVID-19 crisis. Now there are many new opportunities.

The 18 Best Remote Job Boards in 2020 shows you where to look for full-time remote roles, breaking it down by particular industries (like tech, sales & marketing, customer support, data entry, accounting & finance, and more). One of the best uses for these, or any, job boards is to identify companies that hire for the type of job you do, and add those companies to your target companies list for targeted networking.

How to get health insurance if you’re laid off

This site explains your options.

Budgeting tips, in case you need to get by on less

This article, “How to Budget the Money You Have If You Lose Your Job During the COVID-19 Pandemic” will help you get started in thinking about conserving your financial resources.

3 useful posts from my own Great Job Sooner Blog


This article was originally published in March 2020 and has been updated.


Young female entrepreneur enjoying business and job success against city and sunset background. Successful businesswoman smiling outdoors

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    1. I’m glad you posted that, Jacob! These are excellent suggestions and I hope my readers will act on them! Right now is as good a time as any for job seekers to reach out and talk to people about their job search, if they do it in the ways you describe. We all know it’s hard to find employment right now, and people may be inclined to be more helpful than usual!

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