If you’re applying to jobs via LinkedIn, be aware of this LinkedIn jobs mixup: your resume may not always go to the right place.
I was just forwarded a post from social media marketing expert Tony Restell, who wrote:
“When jobs are being retrieved from external sources and added into LinkedIn’s jobs database, they are sometimes being incorrectly assigned to companies … This is a known glitch on LinkedIn (customer services have confirmed) … Jobseekers – double check what it is you’re applying to as it may not be with the company you thought it was.”
Tony also wrote that the problem has existed for about three months. Yikes!
How can you check on whether a job really exists at the company LinkedIn has connected it to? Visit the employer company’s own website. (This shouldn’t be much extra trouble, and it’s a good idea to visit the company website before applying anyway, to learn more about the company.) If you don’t see the job listed on their “careers” page, it probably doesn’t exist.
Don’t let this mixup sour you on LinkedIn, especially as a place to present your professional face to the world by creating and using an excellent LinkedIn profile and displaying social proof of your skills in the form of recommendations. But no online platform or technology is perfect. Let the user beware!